Presentations and The Magic of Stories (PS001)
Presentation Skills
Presentations and The Magic of Stories (PS001)
Have you ever been to a show that didn’t quite go according to plan? Y’know. Like where the magician kept dropping their cards and forgetting their lines? Then they forgot the magic words and didn’t pull the rabbit from the hat? No? Well,...
What Makes a Good Presentation? (PS002)
Presentation Skills
What Makes a Good Presentation? (PS002)
From time to time, something comes along that changes the way we live. It could be a gadget, or even something totally new. But for every one that’s successful, there are a few great ideas that don’t make the grade. Often, the difference...
Presenting with Power: Hints and Tips (PS003)
Presentation Skills
Presenting with Power: Hints and Tips (PS003)
Guess what the number 1 global fear is. It’s not spiders, it’s not heights, and it’s not even the dark. The number 1 voted global fear is the fear of public speaking. It’s estimated that 80% of the global population get some form of...
Structuring your Presentations (PS004)
Presentation Skills
Structuring your Presentations (PS004)
We’ve all been there. Forgetting our lines. Relying on notes. Facing an audience that’s more interested in their smartphones than your presentation. You wonder what you’re missing. Is it more facts? Higher energy? While these elements are...
Setting up for Successful Presentations (PS005)
Presentation Skills
Setting up for Successful Presentations (PS005)
You’re giving that really important work presentation. This could be a key moment that changes your career… hopefully in a good way! You step out on the stage, and suddenly realize that you’ve forgotten your notes. Everyone’s looking at...
Dealing with Nerves (PS006)
Presentation Skills
Dealing with Nerves (PS006)
Giving a presentation is really no big deal – it’s just standing in front of people and talking. How difficult can that be? But when the moment comes, and all those people are looking at you, your palms sweat, your heart thumps, and your mind...
Using Positive Visualization (PS007)
Presentation Skills
Using Positive Visualization (PS007)
Do you ever have doubting, negative thoughts? Those voices in your head that say, "I'm just no good at this sort of thing"? We all have them. And sometimes they can really get in the way. When you have an important challenge to deal with, such as...
Power Posing (PS008)
Presentation Skills
Power Posing (PS008)
Your body is arguably your most powerful communication tool, so knowing how to use it to get your message across is paramount. Think about someone who is angry or scared – you can tell from afar how they’re feeling as it’s “written all...
The Art of Breathing (PS009)
Presentation Skills
The Art of Breathing (PS009)
Although we take around 20,000 breaths a day, breathing is something we just tend to do. We don’t give it much thought until we notice it speeding up. That’s a handy little shortcut the brain does for us. We wouldn’t get much else done if...
Becoming a Master Orator (PS010)
Presentation Skills
Becoming a Master Orator (PS010)
Public speaking is the act of giving a live speech to an audience. The focus can be on any topic and the reason for doing it might be to educate, entertain, or influence. Addressing an audience allows us to form connections and affect opinions....

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